By Somaly,
Namaste wonderful souls and dear readers,
Since I was ten year old, I saw a friend who raise and grow up in city. she had her journal book and she wrote her stories. I never wrote any things about my stories and childhood memories. it was beginning desire. Then I was 23 year old. I saw a friend from church who share and talked about her journal writing and set some plan her life. this was second time that I felt inspire and have been learning " how to journal my stories, memories, and experiences in my life". I have been using digital journal and hard copy books. I gave up so many time, but I never stop trying and starting my journal every year!
I started to write my stories, memories, and experiences again since 2024. I use digital journal and blog. It has been improving and developing into habit. I learn to express ideas, thought, and inner voice inside me. when I wrote about my feelings, memories, experiences, and stories, I felt better, release, and let's go the past experiences which no longer benefit in my life. sometimes, it was hard to face the truth that I had made some mistakes, some made wrong choices, and chose to trust the wrong person in my life. Now I decided to forgive myself and others, so we all could be free and move on with our future journey!
I never complaint about what had happed in the past? I saw and acknowledge them as some lessons, maps and guidelines that I was in the right path or I might stay on the wrong path. Thank universe that I learn about my health, goals, desire, goals, plans, and strategies. I never thought that I could reach these answers, align my true purpose in life, and build my dream into reality. when I could recognise and be able understand what strategies work best in me! I start flow and take a small steps every days!
Since 2025 I enjoyed wrote on my note books, journal books, and calendars. It was a great success! I could wrote a small note each days and I feel that my life have been more organise and well-prepare.
These are my note books, journal books, and calendars!
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